On “Empire,” the latest from experimental pop duo Moloq, singer Jake Aron reflects on capitalism’s sinister, shape-shifting nature. While it was written before COVID, the track is made all the more relevant by its pandemic context. Like you and I, Aron has noted how corporate interests are co-opting social justice movements with slogans designed to humanize brands. Meanwhile, Amazon and other big box retailers are projecting skyrocketing profits. But, sure, they’re “with us,” or whatever. Once again, Aron and Paul Stevens deliver a hard truth with a severe groove that touches down somewhere in the sweet spot between Kraftwerk and Animal Collective.

The video, which we’re excited to premiere today, is a Technicolor fantasy of late-stage capitalism by Atlanta multimedia artist Seth Smith. The main character’s expressionless eyes are unchanging as he struts through the streets, brutalizing and pillaging citizens. We’re reminded of his profit-driven purpose as the chorus’ lyrics flash across the screen: “We’ll take what’s ours.”

Watch/listen above.

More Info
Web: moloqmusic.com
Bandcamp: moloq.bandcamp.com
Facebook: @moloqmusic
Instagram: @moloqmusic
SoundCloud: @moloqmusic
Twitter: @moloqmusic