In the final tapering days of 2020, Hare and the Hounds have gifted us their first new song since 2015. “Fellow Traveler” picks up where songwriter Luke Smith and his revolving band of cohorts left off: infectious melodies with careful examinations of the human condition. It’s a bittersweet folk-pop gem that examines conflicted feelings about aging. Smith muses, “The minute hand must adore all those Roman numerals / So if I can attempt to be grateful for the hours / that I have left to spend, they’re ephemeral,” as a steady beat drives the song onward.

With its arresting rhythms and assured yet wistful tone, “Fellow Traveler” displays an uneasy calm as it marches into the unknown. Similarly, we don’t know if the new year will be any different from 2020, even though many people are sure that it will be better. Personally, I’m not that kind of optimistic. Either way, I hope we’ll be able to see each other and enjoy the collective balm of live music once more soon. Lord knows it’s lovely to hear from Hare and the Hounds again. Fellow traveler, welcome home.

Listen below.

More Info
Facebook: @hareandthehounds
Instagram: @hareandthehounds