If UGA handed out degrees for not giving a fuck, Dead Neighbors would have aced all the courses. With songs like “Apathy,” and a delightfully disengaged sound, the trio’s debut LP proves that slacker rock is alive and well in the basements of Athens, Georgia.
There is something comfortable about the loose interpretations of rhythm, tone, and structure on the album. “c,” a two-and-a-half-minute interlude of muffled echoes, isn’t cold and distant as one would expect; rather, it is warm and intimate, like submerging your head in a hot tub. Dead Neighbors don’t allow much time for respite, however, as they sprint into the fatalistic anthem “The Devil Always Wins.” That’s part of the magic of the band. They may act as if they don’t care, but nothing on the record is an afterthought and every track bubbles with energy.
Like every good slacker group, Dead Neighbors wear the influence of Pavement on their sleeve, but their speedy riffs are more aligned with Dinosaur Jr. than Beat Happening. The surfy undertones, reminiscent of early Real Estate, are a summery addition to the record. “Alone” in particular captures the feel-good vibes and beachfront sound which have become prominent within indie rock over the last decade.
This album is a reminder that sometimes you just need to pick up a guitar and see what happens. Making uncomplicated rock and roll which doesn’t wear out after a few listens is difficult, but it’s a task Dead Neighbors ably complete with an amused eye roll.
More Info
Bandcamp: deadneighbors.bandcamp.com
Facebook: @DeadNeighbors
Instagram: @dead_neighbors
Twitter: @deadneighbors23