It’s been a few years since we last heard from Athens’ Future Lives. Their 2017 debut Mansions was an Americana free-for-all that bristled with dense chamber pop and wanderlust narratives. Their new single “Motherfuckers,” the second from their forthcoming LP Spirit House, mixes Neil Young fire-and-brimstone rock with Purple Mountains’ imagistic lyricism. Frontman Brandon Taj Hanicks defiantly declares “All you motherfuckers better step aside and watch me be free” alongside a hefty blend of the things that make America worth fighting for: big guitar solos, bombastic drums, and most importantly, the forthright challenge to experience empathy beyond the tethers of religion.

Shot by Hanick and his wife Shaliza while the couple lived overseas in Barcelona, the video spoofs the prosperity gospel of 700 Club and all that other garish pablum. Rendered with 1995 telemercial meets day-time lawyer nostalgia, Hanick—appearing as Dr. Pastor Jerry Goolsby— delivers a donation plea with intercut images of all your favorite snake oil shamen: Swaggart, Mitch, Bezos. As messages on the lower chyron become increasingly erratic, Goolsby reveals himself as the lizard man we’ve all known him to be all along. Art often imitates reality, and right now, that reality is fucking terrifying.

Watch/listen above. And dear god, don’t forget to vote.

Spirit House is set for release in January 2021.

More Info
Facebook: @futurelives