Directed by Nick Rhodes and MammaBear mastermind Kyle Gordon, the video for “Hell Cat,” the title track from the group’s new three-song EP, is a more straightforward affair than we’ve come to expect from the Atlanta rockers. There’s no outlandish narrative or playful parody as we’ve seen in previous efforts. Still, the clip remains quirky and fun, underscoring the peppy energy that makes the song so endearing.

If there is a highlight here, it’s certainly the dance sequences, a humorous mix of Monty Python and Benny Hill stop-motion wackiness. There’s nothing particularly clever or elaborate about the footage, but it meshes well with the music and helps provide a line of demarcation from the video’s otherwise traditional lip-syncing and performance style. In addition to their solid, hook-heavy songwriting, much of the band’s success lies in their ability to play to the moment and not take themselves so seriously. If nothing else, “Hell Cat” proves MammaBear understands their strengths.

Hell Cat is available now for a measly $5 via Bandcamp.

More Info
Facebook: @mammabearmusic
Instagram: @mammabearmusic
SoundCloud: @mammabear-4
YouTube: @MammaBearMusic