Look, we know we throw a lot of new music at you. We also know that not everyone who comes to this site has the time to be as involved with or informed about the local scene as maybe they’d like to be. So for those casual readers who either can’t or have no interest in keeping up with the parade of artists we try to cover, who may not know the difference between Bitter and Biters, we have created our TRIPLE THREAT feature. The premise is simple: Every Friday our writers will put their heads together and come up with three tracks that grabbed our attention over that week. Then we tell you why the songs are great and worth listening to. That’s it. Maybe some weeks we’ll have a guest commentator come in and share their favorites, but the format will always remain the same: three songs, some words, and we out. Enjoy.
TWINS – “Race to Bottom”
From the JT Whitfield and TWINS Split
The new track from TWINS features a sparse techno beat that bounces with a strange intensity and works as a foil to his recent synth-pop oriented work. “Race to Bottom,” along with the other three songs making up the B-side of the new split with JT Whitfield, was pulled by Matt Weiner from the TWINS vault, and it isn’t difficult to see why it hasn’t found a spot on any other release to date—not because it’s lacking in any way, mind you, but simply because it’s bizarrely cheerful. The tinny synth line teases a few club-ready buildups that disintegrate into simple sketches, and the track never loses its playful edge despite the ghostly vocals. – Russell Rockwell
More Info
Web: thatwhichisnotsaid.com
Bandcamp: thatwhichisnotsaid.bandcamp.com
Facebook: @thatwhichisnotsaid
Instagram: @thatwhichisnotsaid
SoundCloud: @thatwhichisnotsaid
Twitter: @whichisnotsaid

Credit: Savana Ogburn
From the forthcoming LP, Hologram
Did you read The Guardian this week? Apparently, some of their writers fanned out across Atlanta so they could impress the world with their in-depth reporting. Earlier this week, though, a certain journalist tried to diagnose the diversity of the LGBTQ scene by popping into Pride and skimming through some research. Curiously, no one brings up Southern Fried Queer Pride, the radically inclusive non-profit that tirelessly organizes events to unite the community. And consequently, no one mentions TAYLOR ALXNDR, SFQP’s de facto leader, who continues to dazzle everyone with their superhuman work ethic. “One Dot,” the latest single from upcoming album Hologram, emphasizes that unity over everything, especially the endless rat race stoked by capitalism: “We’ve been to the top of the mountain / And there’s really nothing to see / Tables with seats, nobody eats.” Just as Lorde snuck classism into “Royals,” ALXNDR reminds us with a cozy pop song that adherence to the status quo yields nothing in the end. And that, kiddos, is certainly a lesson you can’t learn in one quick visit to the city. – Lee Adcock
Hologram is out Nov. 2. Pre-orders are available here.
TAYLOR ALXNDR will celebrate the release of Hologram on Fri., Nov. 2 at 529 alongside Superbody, Jay Americana, and Jamee Cornelia. Doors open at 9 p.m. Admission is $7 in advance or $10 at the door. 18+ to enter.
More Info
Web: tayloralxndr.com
Basecamp: tayloralxndr.bandcamp.com
Facebook: @tayloralxndr
Instagram: @tayloralxndr
SoundCloud: @tayloralxndr
Illegal Drugs – “If I’m Alright”
From the standalone single
The new single from Illegal Drugs has been lurking on the internet for a few weeks now, and if you haven’t heard the low-end rumble of “If I’m Alright,” you’re missing out. The Atlanta trio have been trading in taut, acerbic rock since their inception and the standalone effort ranks as of the band’s more caustic cuts. The menacing lurch of the opening bass line mays set the song’s ominous tone, but this murky post-punk thriller is definitely a result of the sum of its parts. Propulsive drums, barbed-wire guitars, and John Robinson’s biting vocals all combine to create an exhilarating din of manic noise, resulting in the perfect high-intensity soundtrack to cut through today’s overcast gloom. – Guillermo Castro
More Info
Web: illegaldrugsband.com
Bandcamp: illegaldrugs1.bandcamp.com
Facebook: @illegaldrugs
Instagram: @illegaldrugsband
Twitter: @IllegalDrugsLTD