It’s been a massive couple of years for Material Girls, who, after a few lineup changes and a grimy four-track EP, have just released one of the best local LPs of 2018. Leather demonstrates the band’s ability to pretty much do whatever they want while weaving irresistible pop hooks into their lair of repulsive macabre. Each member is a consummate performer and there’s no shortage of opinions in the band, which is why it’s so amazing that there’s no overplaying or jockeying for control on the record, just five sleazy babes getting weird with some fiery post-punk and languid rock and roll. The crew pass off vocal duties and instruments with the urgency and anticipation of teens passing contraband in the parking lot, and their comfort in the collaborative process is possibly why they prefer to answer interview questions as a group rather than as individuals. I caught up with the band while they were in between tours and on parole from purgatory, but in hindsight maybe I should have just left these spicy kids alone.
How did the band get started?
MATERIAL GIRLS have always been here and we always will be. We could have been growing from the ground or shot out of a canon or living inside a volcano for all anyone knows or cares to know. Our sound has transcended all time. We have been here as long as anything else.
What inspires you?
We are inspired by relatable self-loathing, masturbation, the letter X, the number 6, commodified regret, and of course our Internet Overlord, All Praise Be to Them.

The new album is very different from the EP. Why the evolution in sound?
Our new album, LEATHER, sounds different from our last album because it is a different album with different people playing on it. It is a well-produced and exquisitely written record that is also reasonably priced and good looking as well.
How does the typical songwriting process work?
We will not divulge any part of our writing process.
There’s a lot of percussion that to most bands would be add-ons but is central to your sound. Is that intentional? How did it happen?
Every note played in every MATERIAL GIRLS song is entirely intentional, whether it is a guitar or a tambourine or a buzzsaw, all of them played with expertise and precision.
What was it like working with Graham Tavel on this record?
Graham Tavel is a supremely talented and multi-faceted engineer. His intuition and knowledge of his craft combined with his innate understanding of MATERIAL GIRLS were paramount in the production of our new record.
Who in the band is most down with trying weird shit?
Most of the things you find weird or interesting are boring as fuck to us.
Are there any songs you want to cover, but never will?
MATERIAL GIRLS will seldom learn a song written by another artist. Each MATERIAL GIRLS song is crafted with unique care, patience, focus, and stellar musicianship. Why would we waste our time learning someone else’s inferior little tune when we can be back at HQ cranking out hit after hit? It is just not fun for us.
What’s it like on the road with Material Girls?
MATERIAL GIRLS travel in a pack. When we bring our unique and quality show to another city, we are usually met with wide eyes and mouths agape. The people are rarely prepared for the experience that we provide on a nightly basis. We relish our time spent together and take great pleasure in blowing people’s minds night after night.
Why is Atlanta great for musicians? What sucks about Atlanta for musicians?
Atlanta is a great city for musicians because it is the home city of MATERIAL GIRLS. What is unfortunate for musicians is that MATERIAL GIRLS are setting the bar high for writing catchy and exciting music with consistently enthralling live performance, and they have to cope with that fact that they will never be in MATERIAL GIRLS and they will have to admire from afar.
What’s next for the band? Are you writing any new stuff?
Our future plans, much like the rest of the band, are clandestine and uncharted. MATERIAL GIRLS cannot be planned. It is a five-headed beast with fierce talons and sleek leather and perfect makeup. The beast steps and crushes what is underfoot and finds home in the rubble and ashes. Our course is constantly changing and evolving as we bulldoze everything in our path.
Material Girls Tour Dates:
July 19 – Atlanta, GA – 529 (Release Show)
July 20 – Charleston, SC – Tin Roof
July 22 – Washington, DC – Local FS 202
July 23 – Philadelphia, PA – The Sound Hole
July 24 – Brooklyn, NY – Alphaville
July 25 – Manhattan, NY – The Special Without Brett Davis
July 26 – Montreal, QC – L’Escogriffe Bar Spectacle
July 27 – Toronto, ON – The Baby G
July 28 – Detroit, MI – Trixie’s
July 30 – Columbus, OH – Dirty Dungarees
July 31 – Cleveland, OH – Happy Dog
Aug 01 – Chicago, IL – The Hideout
Aug 02 – Louisville, KY – Kaiju
Aug 03 – Nashville, TN – East Room
Aug 04 – Athens, GA – Caledonia Lounge
Material Girls will celebrate the release of Leather tomorrow night, July 19, at Irrelevant Fest at 529. Joining them will be Red Sea, Gun Outfit, Arbor Labor Union, Karaoke, Shepherds, Rose Hotel, and the Pleasure. Doors open at 7 p.m. Admission is $15. 18+ to enter.
More Info
SoundCloud: @materialgirlsusa