Let’s all agree on something. Fuck yes to all things Queens of the Stone Age, right? Catchy enough to feel familiar. Weird enough to keep you guessing. Heavy enough to leave you bruised. I could dive into the details, but thems the basics, no?
JohnDenver DeathPlane is a new project from Order of the Owl and Nigredo bassist Aaron Hendrickson, and bassist Josh Lamar (ex-Mondo Generator, the Electric Nature), and on their debut EP, jddp, the trio stir up a QOTSA like brew served with a healthy side of noisy sludge. Tracks like “Ghost,” “The Devil Knows His Own” and “The Cat” are groove-heavy cuts that succeed by keeping things simple and letting their grimy riffs do the talking. Both Hendrickson and Lamar share vocal duties on the records, and while neither has Josh Homme’s lyrical bent or his penchant for deconstructing classic rock tropes, they’re both wise enough to hold back when the band is in grind mode and capable enough to assume command when they need to. Such is the case with “The Blade,” a corrosive doom crusher that slithers ominously across your speakers while the duo’s cathartic growls kick and prod the track into a clamorous frenzy before dissolving into the midnight haze of the song’s psychedelic outro.
Word is the trio are currently undergoing some personnel issues, and will likely be reformed soon. Stay tuned for more info as the story develops.
More Info
Bandcamp: johndenverdeathplane.bandcamp.com
Facebook: @johndenverdeathplane