Two things you should know about Challenger Deep: They don’t do anything half-assed and they seem to have more fun than just about anybody. I’ve used the word “ridiculous” to describe them before (in a good way!), and everything I’ve seen or heard since then only reinforces that assessment. Most of what the math rockers do leaves you shaking your head. That or it plasters a big stupid grin across your face. They somehow stride that tricky line between pouring everything they have into their songs and not taking themselves too seriously.

I mean, have you seen their videos? Funny, over-the-top, inventive. Not unlike their music. Their newest production, for the scintillating “100 Years,” provides some of their best visuals yet. There’s a lot going on so I won’t even bother with an explanation. But if you’re looking to immerse yourself in the full Challenger Deep experience, it’s a great place to start.

But today we’re here for something else. This morning the band shared “Like Giving Wings to a Tiger,” the third single from their upcoming album, The Stuff of Legends. It’s a more subdued and pensive effort than much of their material, but there’s still plenty of fireworks to go around. While so much of what makes the band exciting is their willingness to take their technical wizardry to wild extremes, it’s nice to hear them dial things back once in a while. And some of the passages here are simply gorgeous.

To be clear, this isn’t surprising or even new terrain for Challenger Deep. There are no sweeping crescendos but the band has proven they can layer on intensity with scaling guitars and tightly-coiled rhythms. The patient, almost serene approach allows the song to breathe making it more of a meditative hike than the all-out sprints we’ve grown accustomed to. Sure, it may take a little longer to reach your destination, but the experience is no less thrilling.

Listen below.

Challenger Deep will perform tonight at the EARL alongside DOTS and Small Reactions (Album Release Show). Doors open at 8 p.m. Admission is $14. 21+ to enter. Proof of vaccination or negative COVID test required. Mask up, y’all.

More Info
Facebook: @ChallengerDeepDude
Instagram: @challengerdeepdude
Twitter/X: @DeepDiversHQ