Sea Ghost – TBA
Release Date: TBA
Label: TBA
Release Info
2016 came and went without a new record from Sea Ghost, but that wasn’t from a lack of trying. The band reportedly recorded an EP in New York and another one in Atlanta, but tossed them both out as they were not satisfied with the results. According to frontman Carter Sutherland, the much-anticipated follow-up to their SG debut will be out sometime in 2017.
More Info
Facebook: @seaghostbandsocool
Instagram: @seaghostband
SoundCloud: @sea-ghost
Twitter: @seaghostboys66
Seagulls – TBA
Release Date: TBA
Label: TBA
Release Info
We’ve already gotten a taste of Seagulls’ upcoming LP via its blistering lead single, but in terms of any further details, that’s as far as it goes. With any luck, the melodic punk foursome will unveil their new record by this summer.
More Info
Facebook: @seagullsatl
Instagram: @seagullsatl
Twitter: @seagullsatl
Shannon Wright – Division
Release Date: February 3
Label: Vicious Circle Records
Release Info
Since the late ’90s, Shannon Wright has been writing powerfully captivating music for small but dedicated legion of fans and admirers. Her quiet, penetrating songs may sound fragile, but there is a strength and ferocity there that strikes deep. Wright’s latest LP, Division, is out February 3.
More Info
Facebook: @shannonwrightmusic
Shepherds – TBA
Release Date: TBA
Label: TBA
Release Info
Just when we thought we were ready to solve the musical maze that was Shepherds’ last album, Exit Youth, here they are announcing the next one. Given the band’s penchant for melding everything from psychedelic pop to art rock to post-punk, there’s no telling what magic potion the trio will concoct for their forthcoming LP. Whatever it is, however, can’t come soon enough.
More Info
Facebook: @shepherdsatl
Instagram: @shepherdsatl
Twitter: @Shepherdsatl
Slow Parade – Slow Parade
Release Date: Summer
Label: Bear Kids Recordings
Release Info
Another artist who’s rollicking Americana anthems are best built for warm weather and sunshine, Slow Parade’s forthcoming self-titled LP will likely provide the soundtrack to many a road trip when it drops this summer.
More Info
Facebook: @slowparadeatl
Instagram: @slowparade1
SoundCloud: @SlowParademusic

Credit: Michael Morales
Small Reactions – Notorious, LP
Release Date: February 24, TBA
Label: Bear Kids Recordings
Release Info
Another artist with multiple releases planned for 2017, Small Reactions will first drop a four-song EP called Notorious on February 24. The nerve pop foursome will then follow it with their sophomore full length due out sometime this summer.
More Info
Facebook: @smallreactions
Instagram: @smallreactions
SoundCloud: @smallreactions
Twitter: @smallreactions
Spirits and the Melchizedek Children – TBA
Release Date: TBA
Label: TBA
Release Info
File this under “a little birdie told me” or maybe “wishful thinking,” but word is that psych-gazers Spirits and the Melchizedek Children are working on a new LP to be released sometime this year. Anyone who’s followed me in the past can attest to my affinity for the group’s harrowing and ethereal songwriting so whatever spiritual dance or magical incantation I need to do to make this happen, just let me know.
More Info
Facebook: @Spirits.and.the.Melchizedek.Children
Instagram: @spirits_band
SoundCloud: @satmc
Twitter: @spirits_band

10th Letter – Mind Altar + 3 more
Release Date: TBA
Label: TBA
Release Info
Was there any doubt that something from 10th Letter would be on this list? Or that he would have multiple records in the works? One of ATL’s most prolific left-field producers, Jeremi Johnson is also one of the most consistent in terms of both quality and degree of adventurousness. His upcoming LP, Mind Altar, is the first of four records he has planned for 2017.
More Info
Facebook: @10thLetterMusic
SoundCloud: @10th-letter
Twitter: @10thxletter
Thousandaire – TBA
Release Date: TBA
Label: TBA
Release Info
I can’t promise you that Thousandaire’s debut LP will ever be released. But if you believe bassist and vocalist Andrew Wiggins (Hawks, Caesium Mine), the album has already been recorded, which at least provides a semblance of hope that the group’s emotive ’90s inspired post-hardcore will eventually see the light of the day. In the meantime, make sure to catch Thousandaire live and discover what all the fuss is about.
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Tiny Scissors – TBA
Release Date: TBA
Label: TBA
Release Info
Math rock duo Tiny Scissors emerged out of nowhere with one of the better debuts of 2016, a three-song barnburner that showed off the group’s considerable chops and their ability to innovate within a genre that often feels stagnant. To be honest, I’d be a little more interested in seeing these guys play a ton of shows this year, so if the new EP they’re planning helps make that happen you can consider it a double victory.
More Info
Facebook: @tinyscissorsatl