Lois Righteous
We’ve been covering Lois Righteous ever since they dropped their fiery debut EP, RUDE, in November. The lo-fi trio have a knack for twisting political observations around more earthy subject matter. Since releasing the EP, the band has been working on new material and plan to record with Seth Bolton and/or Gabbie Watts (Cntry) later in 2018. In more routine matters, the band plans to buy new amps to replace some of their shitty practice gear and is also considering a tour of the southeast, especially a stop in Athens. – RR
More Info
Bandcamp: loisrighteous.bandcamp.com
Facebook: @loisrighteous
Instagram: @loisrrrighteous
Low Valley Hearts
Rossellini Politi has been around, let’s say. From the rough-and-tumble Carnivores to the gleefully goth Del Venicci, and now in the mirrored halls of Small Reactions with writer/drummer/mate Sean Zearfoss, the hyperactive guitarist just can’t sit still in the ATL. Little wonder, then, that Politi and Zearfoss have found yet another outlet for their otherworldly output—except in Low Valley Hearts, with the sublime synth prowess of Evgenia Leshchinskaia and Zalinka Yavlinskiy, that creative bent takes a decisively more psychedelic turn. Krautrock grooves and prog rock ambition set these space travelers apart from any of the gang’s former projects, as recent single “Taking Us Down” clearly proves. Look out for their mind-altering debut, Pictures of Your Mind, in February. – LA
More Info
Facebook: @lowvalleyhearts
Instagram: @lowvalleyhearts
SoundCloud: @lowvalleyhearts

Credit: Elissa Graddy
Lunar Vacation
It’s a good thing there aren’t as many bands trying the surf pop thing in 2018 as there were five years ago. It’s also a good thing that Lunar Vacation are still trying the surf pop thing. The breezy four-piece may be young songwriters, but their melancholy daydream Swell was one of my favorite albums of 2017. The band is currently working on another EP which the plan to release early this summer and will tour in support of it at the end of July. The band will try to drop a single before spring as they try to balance school and jobs amidst the recording process. – RR
More Info
Bandcamp: lunarvacationatl.bandcamp.com
Facebook: @lunarvacationatl
Instagram: @lunarvacationmusic
SoundCloud: @lunarvacation
Twitter: @lunar_vacation
Popstar Benny
The label owner, producer, graphic designer, and DJ has an all hands on deck mentality when it comes to Popstar FM. Given the sheer amount of talented artists on the roster, the blog turned label is aptly positioned to make waves in Atlanta and beyond. As the head honcho, Popstar Benny plans to release projects by 645AR, Turls, Mahalo, Mikey Margiela, and more. Benny also credits SCAD freshman Jackson Laurie as the most inspirational member of Popstar FM, citing Laurie’s talent and ability to quickly adapt to the program Benny has laid out for himself and his team. – Mustafa Abubaker
More Info
Instagram: @popstarbenny
SoundCloud: @popstarbenny
Twitter: @popstarbenny
Even before they turned heads at last year’s Project Pabst, RMBLR had been churning out a steady stream of singles and a short but vicious EP. Since forming in 2016, the five-piece garage punk band has mixed fizzy power-pop hooks with sleazy rhymes, propelling the listener down dark alleys filled with unsavory characters. This is exactly the formula one would expect from the frontman of Atlanta legends Dinos Boys. Chase Tail’s animated vocals are a shot in the arm for the some of the band’s more tedious riffs, and are sure to be the driving force on the band’s upcoming LP from Die Slaughterhaus Records.– RR
More Info
Bandcamp: rmblr.bandcamp.com
Facebook: @rmblrterritory

Credit: @CantStopManMan
The rapper and engineer by way of Cobb County tapped into Malcolm Gladwell’s philosophy on achieving goals on his most recent LP, Bigger Than Reality, and in 2018 he aims to bring those objectives to bear. Apart from working on a project with Larry League’s SenseiATL, RobOlu is focused on making new music, selling out more shows, and offering more visual content. He is performing at his first SXSW in March and hopes to go on tour sometime this year. – MA
More Info
Facebook: @1RobOlu
Instagram: @1robolu
SoundCloud: @robolu
Twitter: @1RobOlu

Credit: Kristin Karch
Rose Hotel
When Jordan Reynolds migrated here last year from her hometown in Kentucky, Rose Hotel was still under construction. The breathtaking debut that she brought with her, Always a Good Reason, captured a watercolor countryside painted by close friends in Nashville—which meant that, for her first few shows in the ATL, Reynolds had to fly solo. Now, flanked by a rotating crew of seasoned locals, the newest incarnation of Rose Hotel accommodates both soft confessions and crushing, Waxahatchee-like melodies. Reynolds plans soon to re-record two songs from her debut with this fleshed-out band for a quick single in the spring, and then double down on the first full length next month. – LA
More Info
Web: rosehotelmusic.com
Bandcamp: rosehotel.bandcamp.com
Facebook: @rosehotelmusic
Instagram: @rose_hotel
SoundCloud: @rose-hotel
Twitter: @rosehotelmusic

Credit: Daley Kappenman
Unlike many of the rising stars on this list, gentle crooner Sequoyah Murray already has an impressive portfolio of work to their name. From playful acid jazz, to velveteen synthpop, to raw rock confessions, this singer and producer can coast through myriad genres as they preach about honest relationships and open communication. Given that Sequoyah just dropped their beautiful sophomore album Dream Sequence last month, we’re not expecting any new output soon, but do look out for them in the live circuit, as you never know when, where, or in what form they’ll land next. – LA
More Info
Facebook: @sequoyahmurray
Instagram: @sequoyahmurray
SoundCloud: @sequoyahmurray