Harbingers of the Southern Glam Resistance? That’s your play? Well shit, guys, deal me in. Especially if comes with a heavy dose of this narcotic, trapped-in-time pop that feels like the acid-drenched remnants of a ’60s basement dance party. I’m not usually a fan of the whole found footage aesthetic, but this video really adds to the vibe. I mean, I could take a swipe at this for lingering too long in the dregs of nostalgia, but there’s a tension running though this track, a dark embrace of anxiety and moodiness that feels keenly of the moment. Seriously, where have you guys been hiding? What’s that you say? Your last recording was in 1999 and you’re just now emerging from a seventeen-year absence? Man, that’s wild. I dig your name, too. Hard Candy. Very open to interpretation. I see also that you have a new record out, True Descenders. I should probably check that out. Hopefully you’ll play some shows soon, too. It would be cool to hear how you interpret your material live. In any case, I’m rambling, and I should probably go now. Good luck with your record. And welcome back.

More Info
Web: hardcandysuite.com
Bandcamp: hardcandysuite.bandcamp.com
SoundCloud: @user-657558232
Twitter: @_Hard_Candy